
I kinda tend to throw everything I’m even remotely interested in into one place so that I can look back on it later and if I feel like I deserve something awesome, I’ll take one off the list. :D! Or if I’ve been infected by girl disease.

I’m a really big fan of cute workout clothes. If I could get away with it, it’s basically all I would wear. D: This set’s from ellie.com. *-*

Future (the things I’m working on)
.Volunteer abroad or open up my own free clinic to provide [free] medical care to the under-served…or volunteer at PHAC as a physician :]
.Learn Spanish and Mandarin (well)

Intangible (the things you can’t exactly give me)
.For the people I love and care about to be happy, healthy and safe
.Time to spend with the people I love and care about
.Time to learn/work on a ton of different things so I can be good at everything :D
.Intelligence (and test-taking ability)

Tangible (the things you could actually get me! :O )
Funds (anything to donate to…)
-My livelihood

Converses (Black/Blithe, size 4 Youth)
Pole carrying case!!!
Keyboard case
Dry Hands
Woodburner tips (“Special Technique Points II”: Mini Universal, Mini Flow, Texture ‘n Tone)
Liquid Grip!!!
Wrist Wraps
Foot Undies (size M, Black or Zebra)
Ankle Weights
Coconut bra (C)
Banana Cream, Graham Cracker, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake protein powder
Happy Hour tank top (black, size S)

More Useful Stuff
-a kitchen knife set (those awesome super-sharp ones *-*) – maybe when I’m finally settled down somewhere…
-Amazon gift certificates

Things I Can Wear
-cafepress gift certificate so I can make my periodic table shirt :D
fire flower shirt
Saucony Jazz shoes in black (size 6.5)
-Sanuk flip flops (Yoga Serenity Flip Flop in Turquoise, Yoga Spree Thong Sandal in Silver, or Yoga Paradise Flip Flop) – in size 7 because apparently, they run small
Hoodie (Medium, in Blue or Cozy Grey)
Urban Decay Naked Palette
Boots (in brown, size 7)
Ankle Boots #1 or Ankle Boots #2 (…you can surprise me with the color, size 7)
I adore these jackets (purple, pink or black, size M)
Booty Shorts (black, paint splatter, or black & white galaxy, size S)
Intellectual Badassery (black, size S)
An Honest Mistake (size…L…?)
Classically Trained
Xscape Dress (or something like this; size 6)
-Any of the following shirts!: Sushi (size S), Stupid Cupid (size M(, Chickpeas (size M), War & Peas (size M), Princess (size M?), Catch Fire (size M?)
Comfiest pants I’ve ever owned (Size S, Blackjack)

Food/Drink-Related Stuff

Ice Cream Maker
Insulated Water Bottle
Quinoa 365: The Everyday Superfood
The Homemade Pantry: 101 Foods You Can Stop Buying & Start Making
Quick Fix Healthy Mix
Grill Pan
Matcha Powder

Guitar Hero
2) Rune Factory 3
3) Tales of Phantasia

Shiny Things
Shrimp sushi earrings (I don’t care that I can’t eat shrimp; these are adorable)
Salmon nigiri earrings + more nigiri earrings
Onigiri earrings
Orange slice earrings
Tamago earrings
Ice cream earrings
Strawberry crepe earrings
Moon/star earrings
PB&J earrings
Blueberry cake earrings

Cuff Earrings or Ear Cuffs
I am a ginormous fan of silver, cuffs and chains (especially a combination of the two), multiple-piercing earrings, locks, keys, hearts, and stars. ._. [#202 (purple or green), 203, 205, 208, 215, 217, 228, 229, 231, 238, 249 (peach), CE 252, CE 257, 254, 256, 265, 412, 415]

tealeaf_sales || (order info)
heart waffle charm ($6), strawberry crepe charm ($6), chocolate dipped pretzel charm ($5.25), flat cookie charm ($5), pierce&cuff love music earring ($6.50), origami crane earrings ($6.50), love balloon earrings ($7), sushi earrings (salmon nigiri + CA roll; $6.50), remixed cloud earrings ($7), pacman earrings (i lost my pair :'( $6 ), moon & cloud studs ($6.50), glittery teal mushroom studs ($5), onigiri earrings ($6)

Some More Possibly Girly Stuff
-Escada scents other than Sunset Heat/Pacific Paradise (because i haz them already)
Bath & Body Works (Forever Sunshine)
-Konad Nail Set (Starter Kit D) – plates: M9, M25, M26, M37, M38, M63, M75
Super awesome and wildly expensive gym bag (in Black Glitter)
Butterfly Kiss Wallet (in Gold Lush)
Hibiscus Seat Covers for Cordelia! (in blue)
Mint & Lemon Facial Clay Mask
Avocado & Oatmeal Clay Mask
Superfruits Rejuvenating Facial Moisturizer
Sigma brushes (Travel Kit – “Make Me Cool”)

The Never-Ending List (because Amazon has everything)
Amazon Wishlist
-For the record, I welcome/would actually prefer used CD’s and books because they’re cheaper (so long as they haven’t been scratched up, written on, mangled, or slimed by prosections). :D
(I like having completed collections of my favorite series, hence, the seemingly random books/manga.) There’s some overlap because I threw in stuff that I especially wanted from my Amazon list onto here. :O
Gymnastics mats! Link, another link, another link

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