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Update: May Fitness Challenge (05/16-05/22)

I am officially done (again) with my med school courses! The “again” is due to the fact that ACLS apparently did count toward our grade, so we’ve had that all week. It was somewhat frustrating in the sense that I have my giant test to take tomorrow, and ACLS effectively sapped all my boards study time away this week. On the plus side, it wasn’t all for naught! I did my megacode yesterday and after I finished and signed off on what I’d done, they had me sit elsewhere while they deliberated on whether or not I passed/failed.

When they brought me back over, here’s the conversation that followed:
L: How do you think you did?
F: I think(?) I did okay and I hope I passed. I don’t think I left out anything glaring…
S: Do you think you left anything out?
F: I feel like there was one point where I should have addressed the patient’s oxygen levels first but I was tending to something else.
S: But you corrected it, didn’t you?
F: Yes indeed.
H: Who was your instructor this week? Dr. Cookie?
F: Yep, but I’d go to Dr. M’s reviews at night since I heard that all the instructors emphasized different things. (This was an understatement. I went to him specifically because he held us to a higher standard and included a great amount of detail. I figured it’d be safer to err on the side of way-too-much-information.)
S: We wanted to know who taught you because we think you did very well. In fact, we recommended you for IP (instructor potential).
F: …:O! Really!?
L: You interacted with the patient, made sure they were comfortable, explained and clarified all the procedures in great detail and went through your reasoning behind everything that you did. We were very, very impressed.

I aced today’s exam too (not bad for never having owned the book, right? :D ), so it looks like I won’t have to retake it! :P I sincerely hope this trend continues!

My mom sent me a giant container of mixed nuts (brazil nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.), another ginormous Costco bag of walnuts (she said they’d be good for my brain), a bottle of pineapple aloe juice, 2 cans of lychee (I requested em’), a bag of dried longan, allergy meds, a giant bag of Krave Lemon Garlic turkey jerky(!), a mystery package that I can’t read the calligraphy for (I’ll figure it out eventually) and 4 bags of dried mangoes.

I’ve concluded that my mom would be amazing at Tetris (maybe that’s where my Tetris-ing skills came from). I guess she figured that if she was going to pack up a box, she might as well fill every last bit of space up. :P

I also got a package from Becca a couple days later and it completely made my day. :D! I think both of them realize how much I miss having an accessible (aka not a 2-hour drive away to get to the closest one) Asian market, so said packages reflected that. :P They definitely provided me with the pick-me-up I needed. <3! But of course, before I could check it out, it had to pass inspection first.

“There’s nothing for me in here? I guess you can have it then.” :[

Becca sent me 2 boxes of curry, furikake seasoning, ingredients (minus the eggs, obviously :x ) to make tea leaf eggs, a reminder of home + a super cute card. <3

May 16

  • 1 hour + 1 min. on ellipticals @ 7% resistance while studying (214 questions completed)

May 17

May 18

  • 25 min. Tahitian practice
  • 5×2-min. Supermans

May 19

  • 1×200 bridges @ 24 lb
  • 3×25 BW squats
  • 1 hour + 5 min. ellipticals @ 6% resistance while studying (250 questions completed!)

For the record (you may have already noticed this), I’m not much for taking gym selfies or anything of the sort, but I recently remembered that I could take screenshots on my phone, so I’ve just been including my fitocracy points in pictures, haha. :D

We started off the week with another lovely stab to check for TB (yet again). I’m proud to say that Mike is still alive, and so am I.

May 20

  • School is killin’ me. :[ The entirety of me walking to and from different buildings + all over the farm probably added up to 20 minutes.

She makes my studying more bearable. :]

May 21

  • 1 hour + 7 min. on ellipticals (intervals) while studying (250 questions completed)

I’ve taken to buying a tub of mixed greens for $1.59 (manager’s specials! <3) and loading it with stuff so that I at least won’t be eating like crap during exam week. :O

May 22

  • 2 hours on ellipticals (intervals and then even harder intervals) while studying (342 practice questions completed ._. only 98 left until I’m caught up, but I think I have another 250 tomorrow…)

Total: 342 minutes
Running Total: 1537 minutes!
(Start, Week 1, Week 2)

The #20×31 fitness challenge is hosted by Jen, Samantha, Carley and Anna. It’s not too late to join if you’re interested! (We still have a whole ‘nother week!) Just 20 minutes per day for the month of May! :]

JVKom Chronicles

Update: May Fitness Challenge (05/03-05/08)

Pole has definitely been taking its toll basically everywhere, but mostly my legs (they feel shredded, and by that, I mean from murdered nerve endings, a whole lot of bruises and raw skin). Tis the price you pay for greatness! The bruising and battering is because I basically did what could be considered “weekend warrior” pole (but for 5 of the 7 full days that I was back, instead of just a weekend). I haven’t been on one since December, so mayhaps I should’ve taken that into consideration, but who knows when I’ll get to go back to the studio again? :'( I have a friend who’s currently studying for a certification as a nutritional coach and since she was looking for free practice clients, I signed myself up! I figure I have a whole lot to improve upon (I’m fairly certain that my main issue is portion control), and it’d also be great to learn more so that I can counsel my future patients on healthier dietary choices. There were several forms to fill out, a couple of which entailed keeping a food journal, which I have absolutely no problem with since I’ve been myfitnesspal-ing it since, apparently, September (not gonna lie, that ring girl competition was good motivation to keep my binge-eating tendencies in check). However, since I’ve been home for the past week, I’m not gonna lie–I’ve very much been free-for-all-ing all over the place, so she said to just start the journal when I head back to school. :P

For instance, this was plate 1 of 4.5 at the buffet we went to. >_>

May 3

  • 1×100 bridges
  • 1×25 squat jumps
  • 1.5 hours of pole

May 4

  • 2 hours of pole

May 5

  • I was feeling somewhat broken. :'( Did about half an hour of yoga.

May 6

  • 2 hours of pole

May 7

  • 1.5 hours of pole
  • ~5 minutes of sprints

Wednesday morning crew! It was so great to see everyone again and to finally meet AJ!

We went to Meadowlark Dairy for dessert after lunch!

Everyone else ordered a small, while my order went something like this: “Um, I’m gonna be a total pig and get a large. Could you please stack the strawberry, pineapple and orange flavors into a cone? :D” ($2.50 for homemade ice cream bigger than my face!)

May 8

  • 1 hour walk around the lake with my parents!

I dragged my parents out for a walk since I figured they’d never go unless I went with them. I even got my dad to swing around on the mushroom with me! :D

Total: ~525 minutes this week!
Running Total: 820 minutes!
(See last week’s progress here!)

The internet has not been my friend lately, so checking out other posts and properly linking my own posts up has been somewhat of a struggle. :[ In any case, this fitness challenge is hosted by Jen, Samantha, Carley and Anna. It’s not too late to join if you’re interested! Just 20 minutes per day for the month of May! :]

JVKom Chronicles


(My inspiration.)

8.5 years apart.

She brings me immeasurable joy. <3

failed logic

: I think you’ve gotten a lot prettier. This cream will get rid of the brown spots on your face though.
F: . . .The “brown spots on my face?”
: What are they called? Freckles? If you just got rid of those, your face would be perfect.
F: . . .
: So are you going to use this cream?
F: Do you realize you’re pretty much the only person who’s ever made me hate the way I looked because of my freckles?
: Why would you hate your face?
F: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it was the couple decades of, “Oh, you’d be so much prettier if you didn’t have freckles.”
: What’s wrong with getting rid of your freckles? Don’t you think you’d be prettier without them?
F: No.
: Everyone thinks that having no freckles would make you look better.
F: No, they don’t.

thanks, mom.

Apparently, she can’t understand why I would find this insulting.

winter break wishlist

I’m flying home tomorrow! (Assuming that my flight doesn’t get delayed, anyway.) This wishlist is actually more of a “Things I’d Like To Get Done While I’m Home” sort of deal. I make them for pretty much every break I have and rarely ever get through half the list, but…it doesn’t hurt to be ambitious!

School-Related (because we all know a “break” during med school is just more time to finally catch up)

  • Finish gunner training every morning either on ellipticals or while hula hooping
  • 30-50 board questions every day
  • Study a section of Step Up every day
  • Study a section of Pathoma every day

People I Need To See

  • Family (includes Ninja :'( )
  • 6F & co.
  • Dave
  • Whitney/Becca
  • Sylvia/Mekala/Kaitlin/Elyse
  • People at TG


  • Train with Sam every day!
  • Pole classes at TG!
  • BJJ classes at KOA
  • 2-3 classes at South Bay Circus Arts
  • Strength-training of some sort (playground/body weight workouts)
  • Cut to 117 lbs (talllll order because it’s holidays/I’ll be surrounded by food/I’ve been eating like crap for the past 1.5 months and have no idea how much I even weigh at this point, but…potential competition in February!?)
  • Climb Mission Peak at least twice
  • Re-learn Liszt’s Un Sospiro
  • Come up with a piano part for Jerrod Niemann’s Only God Could Love You More, I Fight Dragons’ With You + also practice Imagine Dragons’ Radioactive
  • Learn the drum part for Muse’s Supermassive Black Hole

Food (yes, there needs to be a whole section for this)

  • Sushi
  • Viet sandwich + pho
  • Thai food
  • Korean BBQ
  • Carne asada fries
  • Burrito from La Vic’s
  • In N Out
  • A billion homemade meals with Jun (and everyone we invite over so we don’t turn into whales)