moving to


I’ve been toying with this idea for the past couple months and since my preceptor happens to be on vacation this week, I decided to use it to catch up on all other aspects of my life (I’m finally moved in and can walk through my apartment without tripping over things and dying!!!).

I’ve finally gone self-hosted over at! If you’d like to continue receiving notifications when there’s a new post, please head on over and subscribe there! I’m doing what I can about migrating current followers. :] Thanks for hanging out with me for the past couple weeks/months/years, and I hope to continue connecting with you over at!

About Farrah

A frugal, selectively antisocial Family Medicine physician with too many interests. Loves...God, family, friends, volunteering and helping others, making others happy, music (especially piano and singing), Tahitian/hula/salsa/pole dancing, aerial silks, learning, writing, cooking, eating, sleeping, lifting weights, playing SNES and DS, photography, editing, window-shopping, gymnastics, kickboxing, BJJ, finding great deals, pyrography, horseback riding, archery, frolicking in the great outdoors...making every moment count.

Posted on August 6, 2014, in Day by Day. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Awesome! Congrats on making the move! What hosting service did you end up going with? I need to do this too, but all the options of ones to choose from is a bit overwhelming for me!

    • Thanks! :] My preceptor had a 1-week vacation about halfway through my first rotation, so I used one of those days to just move all my stuff over. :]!

      I’m on starving student loans, so I chose bluehost because they were offering a really good deal (I think they have that deal pretty frequently :O ). Knocking on wood as I say this, but so far, it’s been treating me well!

  2. congrats on the move I am heading over to check it out =)

  3. Congrats on the move! Will be following you there x


  4. Congrats, that’s so exciting! How are you feeling since moving over?

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