牛丼 (Gyudon/Beef Bowl)

So I have somewhat of a policy in terms of money-spending. Usually, it’s to just never spend anything unless it’s something I really actually need. I have been getting a little more liberal with this lately though, mostly on food, because food keeps me healthy, happy and alive. (As we’ve been learning, death is irreversible. >_> ) After I pass a class, I usually allow myself one “something I want” purchase. It’s usually something little, but it makes me happy. :D Old Navy was having a crazy sale, and I definitely fall victim to cute workout clothes (if I had it my way, it’s basically all I would wear), so I got a pair of pants, a pair of capris, a pair of shorts, a shirt, a scarf, and a jacket for $60. I’d like to think that this was a good deal. *-*

I got about a pound of pre-cut/pre-sliced steak strips for something like $3 (yay for sales) earlier, and decided to make this, since I kinda just realized that I very rarely seem to make anything with beef in it (unless it’s ground beef). :O The original recipe called for sake, but I don’t have that, so meh. It tastes pretty awesome anyway. Definitely a good comfort food on a cold day. :] The original recipe also didn’t call for mushrooms, but I wanted to add some more stuff to it, so here we are.

牛丼 (Gyudon/Beef Bowl)

-1 tbsp EVOO
-1/2 a red onion, diced
-8 oz. white button mushrooms, sliced
-1 pound beef (e.g. skirt steak, thinly sliced against the grain)
-2 tbsp mirin
-soy sauce
-sesame oil
-1 tsp white sesame seeds (optional; I didn’t have any)
-brown rice (you can use white rice; I just happen to have a ton of brown rice)

1) Cook rice in rice cooker (or however you usually would prepare it).
2) In a large pan, heat EVOO over medium heat. Sauté the onions until soft (~3 minutes) and add mushrooms. Push the onions/mushrooms to the side of the pan and add the beef to the middle. Sauté the beef for 1 to 2 minutes, until the red is mostly gone.
3) Add mirin and stir for 1-2 minutes. Add the soy sauce and sesame oil and let simmer until sauce is reduced by half, about 5 minutes.
4) Serve hot over the rice and sprinkle sesame seeds (if you have em’) on top.

About Farrah

A frugal, selectively antisocial Family Medicine physician with too many interests. Loves...God, family, friends, volunteering and helping others, making others happy, music (especially piano and singing), Tahitian/hula/salsa/pole dancing, aerial silks, learning, writing, cooking, eating, sleeping, lifting weights, playing SNES and DS, photography, editing, window-shopping, gymnastics, kickboxing, BJJ, finding great deals, pyrography, horseback riding, archery, frolicking in the great outdoors...making every moment count.

Posted on February 8, 2013, in Food and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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